
You Will Disown Me

Tim Keller |  March 4, 2001

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  • Atonement
  • Salvation
  • Jesus' Death & Resurrection
Mark 14:22-31
RS 127-1

Mark 14:22–31

Let’s dive into Jesus’ serious talk about what his death means, highlighting two key points that he emphasized with the word “amen”. This will help us grasp the purpose of Jesus’ sacrifice and how it can transform our lives.

1. Jesus’ first “amen” point

When Jesus promised not to drink wine again until God’s kingdom comes, he was showing his deep dedication to his believers. The story reminds us how important the Passover meal was, and how Jesus had the authority to change its significance during the Last Supper. This highlights Jesus as the Lamb of God and shows us that we need God’s grace to be saved. It also corrects wrong ideas of God being vengeful, showing us instead that God is loving and gracious. It reminds us of Jesus’ strong dedication to us and the importance of having a relationship with him.

2. Jesus’ second “amen” point

Jesus shows us that his commitment to us is rock solid, even when we mess up. Our salvation doesn’t depend on how faithful we are, but on how faithful Jesus is to us. Being connected to Jesus through faith means admitting when we mess up, asking for his help, and keeping our focus on the cross.

3. Understanding both “amen” points

Our salvation comes from Jesus’ rock solid commitment to us, not the other way around. This gives us spiritual power and shows us how to serve others with patience. Jesus stresses the importance of obeying him without question and giving ourselves fully to him. This helps us truly understand his selfless love and find comfort in his unshakeable commitment to us. Knowing this helps us to serve others humbly, even when things don’t go as planned, because we know that Jesus will never leave us.



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