Speaker/Author: Gospel in Life

Our 2024 Advent Devotional

Our 2024 Advent Devotional

“What is Advent? It’s the season when we look back to Christ’s first coming, as a baby born in Bethlehem, and look forward to his second coming when he will return to renew and redeem every part of fallen creation. The Advent season gives us a time to reflect upon the promises of God and to anticipate the fulfillment of those promises in Christ. Advent season is a time for remembering and rejoicing! This year, Advent season is from December 1 – 24, and we’d like to send you an email each day of the season with an Advent devotional from Gospel in Life.

All About Not Being a Superhero

All About Not Being a Superhero

He is a pastor and has been for more than a decade. He planted a church, ministered to people, gave advice and counseling to others, and helped many along their journey. Through the years rarely has someone done the same for him. And that came at a cost. “As a pastor, because I was constantly helping others resolve their issues and helping them solve their problems,” Ignacio says, “I began to focus on being self-sufficient.”

This past spring everything changed.

What Was Once Dead Is Now Filled with Life

What Was Once Dead Is Now Filled with Life

How do we move from becoming anxious about what we see and read to being able to have peace as we build a habit of turning to God with prayers and petitions based on what is going on? And how do we keep from letting our minds go down an endless spiral of negative information and instead choose to dwell on restorative things?

God Brought Me to Faith Through the Questioning Christianity Podcast

God Brought Me to Faith Through the Questioning Christianity Podcast

I wanted to say thank you for releasing “Questioning Christianity” as a podcast. It has been a very long road to finally “understanding” Christianity and by long, I mean 16 years of deeply pondering these claims. That finally happened last week once I got through this podcast.

Interview: Author Daniel Nayeri Tells the Story of His Mother’s Conversion and Fleeing Iran

Interview: Author Daniel Nayeri Tells the Story of His Mother’s Conversion and Fleeing Iran

When my sister walked out of her room and said she met Jesus, my mom knew all that. And here is the part that gets hard to believe: Sima, my mom, read about him and became a Christian too. Not just a regular one, who keeps it in their pocket. She fell in love. She wanted everybody to have what she had, to be free, to realize that in other religions you have rules and codes and obligations to follow to earn good things, but all you had to do with Jesus was believe he was the one who died for you. And she believed.

Video: Hope in Times of Fear – a new book by Tim Keller

Video: Hope in Times of Fear – a new book by Tim Keller

In this interview with Tim Keller hosted by Susan Nacorda-Stang, you can listen to a discussion about Dr. Keller’s new book, Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter, including why he wrote it, why it is timely and how we can have hope and assurance in difficult circumstances by having a deeper and fuller understanding of the meaning of Christ’s resurrection.

This Month's Featured Book

Cultivate a Deeper Prayer Life

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God offers biblical guidance as well as specific ways to pray in certain situations, such as when dealing with grief, loss, love and forgiveness. In the book, Dr. Keller helps you learn how to make your prayers more personal and powerful through a regular practice of prayer.