Speaker/Author: Os Guinness

Challenging the Darkness – Towards a New Christian Renaissance

Challenging the Darkness – Towards a New Christian Renaissance

As we discuss how the church can engage an increasingly post-Christian culture in the west, it is helpful to take a step back from our own times and historically examine how Christianity has dealt with cultures that seemed implacably opposed to it. Christianity was never expected to convert the Roman empire; nor was it expected to convert the barbarian tribes after Rome fell. Yet, it both cases it succeeded despite the odds. Similarly today, Christians must hold onto hope for a revival in the modern west. This lecture was given as part of the Gospel & Culture Lecture series featuring Os Guinness.

Challenging the Darkness – Towards a New Christian Renaissance; QandA

Challenging the Darkness – Towards a New Christian Renaissance; QandA

As we discuss how the church can engage an increasingly post-Christian culture in the west, it is helpful to take a step back from our own times and historically examine how Christianity has dealt with cultures that seemed implacably opposed to it. Christianity was never expected to convert the Roman empire; nor was it expected to convert the barbarian tribes after Rome fell. Yet, it both cases it succeeded despite the odds. Similarly today, Christians must hold onto hope for a revival in the modern west. This lecture was given as part of the Gospel & Culture Lecture series featuring Os Guinness.

This Month's Featured Book

Deepen Your Daily Time with God

Are you looking for a way to deepen your daily walk with God? Go Forward in Love: A Year of Daily Readings from Timothy Keller is a new 365-day devotional, compiled from excerpts of Dr. Keller’s wide range of books.