Speaker/Author: Os Guinness

Challenging the Darkness – Towards a New Christian Renaissance; QandA

Challenging the Darkness – Towards a New Christian Renaissance; QandA

As we discuss how the church can engage an increasingly post-Christian culture in the west, it is helpful to take a step back from our own times and historically examine how Christianity has dealt with cultures that seemed implacably opposed to it. Christianity was never expected to convert the Roman empire; nor was it expected to convert the barbarian tribes after Rome fell. Yet, it both cases it succeeded despite the odds. Similarly today, Christians must hold onto hope for a revival in the modern west. This lecture was given as part of the Gospel & Culture Lecture series featuring Os Guinness.

Challenging the Darkness – Towards a New Christian Renaissance

Challenging the Darkness – Towards a New Christian Renaissance

As we discuss how the church can engage an increasingly post-Christian culture in the west, it is helpful to take a step back from our own times and historically examine how Christianity has dealt with cultures that seemed implacably opposed to it. Christianity was never expected to convert the Roman empire; nor was it expected to convert the barbarian tribes after Rome fell. Yet, it both cases it succeeded despite the odds. Similarly today, Christians must hold onto hope for a revival in the modern west. This lecture was given as part of the Gospel & Culture Lecture series featuring Os Guinness.

July Book Offer

Reading Galatians Can Change Your Life!

Galatians is a powerful book that shows how people can think they know the gospel but are actually losing touch with it. In this study of the book of Galatians, Dr. Keller helps you understand how this short book in the New Testament can transform your life.