
Paul and the Thorn

Tim Keller |  October 20, 1996

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  • Heaven and Hell
2 Corinthians 12:1-10
RS 272-06


We’re looking at times when people have had close encounters with God. The one Paul gives us is one of the most curious of all. And it’s actually about discouragement.

Paul is writing a letter to the church at Corinth. There were false teachers who had come to Corinth, twisting the gospel and claiming to have divine authority. When Paul responds, he does not enter into a direct competition. He does not say, “My revelations are bigger or better.” Oh, no. He says his revelations are different.

Let’s see what we can learn from what Paul shares: 1) the heaven experience, and 2) the thorn experience.



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Paul and the Thorn

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