
The Beauty of God

Tim Keller |  September 7, 1997

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  • Art and Beauty
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  • Understanding the Gospel
Psalm 27:1-14
IS 287

Understanding Psalm 27:1–14

We’re going to dive into the book of Galatians and explore some topics we don’t usually talk about. One of these is how we can feel safe and secure in God, an idea that Psalm 27 really emphasizes. We’re especially going to look at verse 4, where it says we should seek to see the beauty of God, and think about what this means for us today.

1. What the promise really means

Psalm 27 gives us a picture of God promising to protect and save us when life gets tough, which can give us hope and comfort even when things seem really difficult. But sometimes people misunderstand verses like Psalm 91 and Romans 8:28 by thinking they’re about getting what we want. When we look at how God’s promises are revealed over time in the Bible, we see that the Old Testament, especially the Psalms, is more about God being with us in our struggles, not helping us avoid them. This helps us to trust God more.

2. How it becomes real in our lives

Real courage and security come from loving God more than anything else. True Christianity isn’t just about seeing God as a way to get what we want, it’s about wanting to be with Him and appreciate how amazing He is. When we make praising God and thinking about Him our top priorities, we can feel safe and brave no matter what’s happening around us.

3. Why we can trust this

Spending time thinking about how beautiful God is, just like Psalm 27 tells us to, means we need to study and reflect on what the Bible says. It’s like a cow chewing its cud – we need to really take in and understand God’s truth. When we focus on how beautiful God is, spend time with Him, and reflect on what the Bible says, we can connect with God more deeply, understand Him better, and feel sure of His love and acceptance.




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