
Two Men With Money

Tim Keller |  October 21, 2001

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  • Stewardship, Generosity and Money
2 Kings 5:13-19; Luke 19:5-10
IS 140


Meeting with God and grasping the grace he freely gives us changes our relationship to our money, possessions, and career. When we see that salvation cannot be earned or gained through hard work, we are freed from the idolatry of wealth. When we experience this freedom, we can give with spontaneity and joy.

2 Kings 5:13–19; Luke 19:5–10

We can learn a lot about money and faith by looking at the stories of Naaman and Zacchaeus. Both of them had surprising meetings with God that changed how they saw their money and their work. These stories teach us about the dangers of money, the amazing power of God’s love, and how our lives can change when we experience both.

1. The misleading power of money

Even though Naaman and Zacchaeus were rich, they were still outsiders in their societies. Their stories show us that money can’t buy real influence or acceptance. This idea is similar to what Andrew Carnegie discovered: money can cause more harm than good. In the end, money can’t give us real love or a sense of belonging.

2. The life-changing power of God’s love

The story of Naaman teaches us that accepting God’s love involves humility and recognizing our limitations. Through Naaman and Zacchaeus, we see how Jesus can transform the lives of even those who are seen as outsiders. The story also warns us against being self-centered, and encourages us to focus more on showing God’s glory than on seeking approval from others.

3. The beautiful result of combining God’s love and money

Experiencing God’s love, like Naaman and Zacchaeus did, can change how we view money and our work. It’s important to let our faith influence every part of our lives, and to seek a personal relationship with Jesus. This often leads to giving more than what is expected. A life of faith should be transformative, filled with generosity, happiness, and constant guidance from God.



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