
Before the Beginning

Tim Keller |  November 16, 2008

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  • Creation
  • The Bible
Genesis 1:1-3
RS 310-1


The Bible is not a compendium of varied stories like Aesop’s Fables, each with directions and examples on how to live. If that’s all it was, then basically the Bible would be about you and what you must do. Read rightly, the Bible is not about you—it’s about him and what he has done. A single storyline moves from creation to the fall to what he has done to rescue you and renew the world through grace.

We start, obviously, at Genesis 1. This tells us the beginning of the story of the world. And if you look carefully at the first three verses, you actually get a glimpse of what was going on before the beginning.

We see three things before the beginning: 1) there was God, 2) there was love, and 3) there was darkness.



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