
Money and the Woes of Jesus

Tim Keller |  June 6, 2010

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  • Stewardship, Generosity and Money
Luke 6:19-26; 30-35
RS 322-01

Luke 6:19–26, 30–35

We’re going to dive into what it means to be part of God’s kingdom and how it influences our view of money and stuff. Jesus introduced a radically different way of seeing what’s important, turning worldly values upside down. So, let’s learn about this and prepare ourselves for both a challenge and some encouragement.

1. The kingdom of the world

Jesus tells us that chasing after power, ease, success, and fame isn’t what life’s about. He feels sorry for people who get their self-worth from these things. He uses examples of richness, fullness, and happiness to point out that going after these things ties you to the world’s kingdom, not His. His kingdom is a bit like a puzzle, going against what the world tells us is important.

2. Jesus’ topsy-turvy kingdom

Jesus taught that those who will inherit His kingdom are often the poor, the hungry, the sad, and the left out. Not because they like being in tough situations, but because they know that worldly success could damage their souls. It’s key to find a deeper sense of who you are and what your purpose is, beyond how much money you have or what your job is. It’s also about being kind to those less fortunate than us. His teaching shows us that we need to focus on the promise of heaven, be known for our amazing generosity and live with an eternal perspective.

3. A sure hope

Our hope and certainty are found in Jesus Christ. Because of Him, we can go through tough times and stand with those who are left out, knowing that there are eternal riches and joy coming our way. This is possible because Jesus gave up everything for us, took on our sadness, and became an outcast so that we could be part of God’s family. However, we also need to be careful not to chase after worldly power and comfort, but to live humbly and repentantly, following Jesus’ upside-down kingdom values.



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