
A Foretaste of the Future

Tim Keller |  November 20, 2011

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  • The Church (Unity, Fellowship, Leadership)
Ephesians 3:1-13
RS 333-08

Understanding Ephesians 3:1–13

In Ephesians 3, Paul shares a special truth about Jesus. He explains that the good news of Jesus brings together people from different backgrounds into God’s big family, with everyone sharing in the promises of Jesus. He also talks about the church’s role in showing God’s wisdom, and how trusting in Jesus gives us freedom and confidence. Even when times are tough, Paul urges us to stay strong, explaining that understanding the beauty of God’s grace, the value of the church, and the purpose behind life’s struggles can lead to real freedom.

1. Tough times

When Paul was put in prison, his friends started to question why bad things happen, even losing faith, just like John the Baptist did before he died. The Bible tells us that suffering is part of life, even for good people, and it can really hurt those who care about the person suffering. But Paul’s message helps us to face these tough times without becoming bitter or numb.

2. The amazing grace

The word “mystery” in the Bible often means something that God shows us which doesn’t make sense to us at first. The good news of God’s grace is like that. It tells us that we are saved not because of what we do, but because of what Jesus did for us, even though He suffered. This idea—that we can do wrong but still be loved by God—might seem strange at first, but it’s an amazing truth that can set us free.

3. The beauty of the church

The church is like a lighthouse, shining a light on the wonderful future that God has planned for us. It’s more than just a group of friends—it’s like a small model of what the world will be like when Jesus is in charge, with new families, cultures, and communities being formed by the good news of Jesus. Even though the church isn’t perfect, it’s beautiful because it’s made up of all sorts of people and it shows us what it will be like when everything is made right again.

4. The freedom that comes

When we look closely at our struggles, we can see that they have a purpose and can give us hope. Denise Walters’ story shows us that no matter how tough things get, if we trust in Jesus, we can still have hope. This story reminds us that everything we do is seen by others and by God, which encourages us to live good lives. It also shows us how what we value the most affects who we are and what our life means. In the end, even our struggles can change us and make us more like Jesus. Despite the hard things in the world, we can look forward to a future of comfort, fairness, and forgiveness.



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