
A Place for You

Tim Keller |  October 13, 1991

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  • Death
  • Heaven and Hell
  • Hope
John 14:1-5
RS 11-46

John 14:1–5

Some people today, afraid of death, try to ignore it or create stories about reincarnation and choosing our afterlife. This does not change the fact that death is a part of life. Jesus teaches us how to face death bravely, not by ignoring it.

1. There is a place for you

Jesus knew the tough times his disciples would face. So, he comforted them by promising a special place prepared just for them. Every human being craves a place to call ‘home’, not just a house, but somewhere they are loved and accepted. Jesus offers the ultimate home, a place filled with joy and love.

2. The place we need is the Father’s house

Jesus told his disciples they knew the way to where he was going, even though they felt confused. The sense of fulfillment they were looking for in life could only be found in the Father’s house. Any happiness or success on earth is temporary, and people will keep searching for more until they understand that the true sense of home can only be found in the Father’s house.

3. The Father’s house is the place you need because Jesus is there

Meeting God changes everything and fills us with a deep sense of belonging and peace. Heaven is described as a real place, more beautiful than anything on earth, where God’s presence encourages love and strength. The story ends with the happiness and hope that early Christians had because of the promise of future glory, the need for Jesus’s grace to be saved, and the confidence that God is preparing a place for us in His heavenly home.



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