
Accepting the Creator

Tim Keller |  November 21, 1999

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  • Creation
John 1:1-11
RS 108-03

Looking at John 1:1–11

When we talk about creation from a theological standpoint, we focus more on why it exists, not how it came to be. This belief presents four important points about our world: it’s real, it’s good, it has a design, and it has limits. This way of thinking lets us dig deeper into how we can learn from and lean on these truths in our daily lives.

1. It’s not an illusion like pantheism suggests

Some Eastern religions, known as pantheism, suggest that our world is just a dream and that we’re all parts of a big All Soul. This idea can be appealing because it suggests that if we can see past the dream, we could do amazing things. But, the Bible’s teaching about creation says our world is real. It says that everything was created and we need to accept that truth instead of thinking we can make our own.

2. It’s good, not evil like legalism claims

Unlike some Eastern and Western philosophies that say the world is either an illusion or essentially evil, the Bible states that God created the world and it is fundamentally good. Christianity is unique in its belief of a physical paradise and acknowledges our physical existence, like how Jesus was still in a physical body even after he rose from the dead.

3. It’s designed with purpose, not an accident like secularism says

Secularism, a belief that doesn’t include God, suggests that humans are just accidents, a result of evolution. This presents a problem. Without creation being made on purpose, we can’t really talk about right and wrong, or justice, because these ideas are linked to purpose. In contrast, the Bible’s teaching about creation says humans were made purposefully, which gives us a measure for what’s right or wrong, and true freedom comes from living out this purpose.

4. It’s limited, not infinite like paganism believes

This sermon highlights the importance of acknowledging God as the Creator and warns against putting too much importance on worldly things or letting secular or legalistic views sway us. It points out Jesus’ authority over creation, how physical pleasures reflect God’s divinity, and our Christian responsibility to care for and respect nature. It also emphasizes the need to understand God’s love, avoid finding our worth in worldly things, and accept that Jesus is the path to real value and purpose.



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