
Aggressive Compassion (6th)

Tim Keller |  November 25, 1989

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  • The Ten Commandments
Genesis 9:1-7
RS 1-07

Understanding Genesis 9:1–7

Genesis teaches us about the sacredness and immense worth of every human life because we are all made in God’s image. This idea tells us that everyone has the potential to change and do great things, no matter their mistakes or how wrong they might seem. This belief encourages us to show extreme kindness, respect everyone, and understand the unique value and dignity of each person.

1. Breaking the commandment by physically hurting someone

All of us have our issues and flaws, even those who look perfect. We have to accept our shortcomings because they show us our need for God’s love and forgiveness. When we acknowledge our faults, God’s power shines through us and He can use us in incredible ways.

2. Breaking the commandment by thinking harmful thoughts

Jesus taught that nursing feelings of hate and bitterness is like committing murder in our hearts. His interpretation of the commandment against murder is an invitation to love. We’ll dive deeper into this important subject in the coming week.

3. Breaking the commandment through hurtful words

What we say or write can greatly influence others, and this power can be used for good or bad. As Christians, we should be careful about our words and messages, knowing their importance. Our aim should be to use our words to show Christ’s love and truth, encouraging and building up all who hear them.

4. Breaking the commandment by not helping someone in need

True repentance requires a deep understanding of our sinful nature and a genuine desire to turn away from it. Sin isn’t just about our actions—it starts in the heart. Turning away from sin and turning to God is a continual process, requiring humility, honesty, and reliance on God’s love. In the end, real repentance brings about change and a closer relationship with God.

5. Breaking the commandment by failing to provide necessary support to someone

According to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Genesis 9, God commands us to take care of others. Neglecting this duty is an insult to God. The call to help those who are suffering comes from Jesus, who restores God’s image in us. This enables us to show fierce kindness and compassion. The gospel humbles us and gives us strength, empowering us to live a life of extreme kindness, treating others as royalty in recognition of their worth and Jesus’s sacrifice.



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