
Entering His Rest (4th)

Tim Keller |  November 5, 1989

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  • Rest & Sabbath
  • The Ten Commandments
Hebrews 4:1-12
RS 1-04


The weekly Sabbath points to a deeper rest that we all yearn to enter. All of us, at some level, feel that our lives are a trial and that we have failed to measure up. A person becomes a Christian when they admit that they have failed the trial and when they accept Jesus’ record instead of their own. Only then can they truly enter God’s rest.

Understanding Rest from Hebrews 4:1–13

The idea of real rest, such as what we experience on the Sabbath Day, is not just about relaxing from stress. If we look at Psalm 3, we see that real rest is about trust and faith, even when things are tough. It’s something that everyone deeply wants, and it’s a part of the peace that God promises us.

1. What does this rest really mean?

When we talk about Sabbath-rest for Christians, it’s not just about simple answers or clichés. The book “The Trial” by Franz Kafka shows us a man’s life falling apart. People often judge others without seeing their own mistakes, making them feel like they’re always being judged. But God’s rest isn’t just about taking a day off or going to church. It’s about truly understanding and accepting a deep truth.

2. How do we find this rest?

It’s about finding peace with God. We have to admit our mistakes instead of trying to hide them or fix them ourselves. Our conscience can make us feel uncomfortable, like when we think about God’s rules. But this discomfort is like the pain of surgery that helps us get better. The story tells us that it’s really important to admit our sins, concentrate on our relationship with God, and understand that real rest and peace come from accepting the work of Jesus Christ, not from what we do ourselves.



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Entering His Rest (4th)

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