
All Things New

Tim Keller |  December 31, 1989

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  • Restoration
Revelation 21:1-8
RS 207-07


We are fascinated with the new. The reason we’re fascinated with the new is because every human being has a deep need for eternity. We all sense ourselves fading away. We see ourselves sagging and wrinkling. We see ourselves decaying, and that’s not natural. Nature is subject to futility, we’re told in Romans 8.

Underneath the diets, underneath the need for vacations in new places, new clothes and new things that make you feel good for a little while, there is this need for eternity. We all need eternity. We need this newness God’s talking about.

This passage tells us about the newness that is to come, a newness that is totally in the future. But there is also a newness that you can begin to experience now. Let’s just take a look at those two things. It’s exciting to look at it. The first aspect is the newness that is to come. The second aspect is the newness we receive now.



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