
Born Into Community

Tim Keller |  February 25, 2001

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  • The Church (Unity, Fellowship, Leadership)
1 Peter 2:8-17
RS 126-6

1 Peter 2:4–10

The idea of being born again in faith is like an egg being fertilized – it changes everything. It creates a special community of believers, where relationships are intense and deep, different from what we see in the rest of society. These Christian communities are special because of their depth and unique qualities, providing a strong support system for believers.

1. The depth of Christian community

Peter uses metaphors to describe Christians as part of God’s country, His family, and even building blocks in His temple. These images highlight the importance of community, family ties, and the revolutionary idea that the Christian community itself is God’s temple. It emphasizes that for us to truly experience God’s presence, we need strong, accountable relationships within our Christian community. This challenges the idea that faith is a solo journey.

2. The uniqueness of Christian community

Christian community isn’t just about hanging out together; it’s about creating a new kind of culture that belongs to God, where we see everything in life through the lens of the gospel. This community is a royal priesthood, a culture of service, following the example of Jesus Christ who overturned worldly values. Everything in our lives, from our relationships to our finances and our sexuality, should reflect values that build rather than destroy, showing the transformative power of living under the rule of Christ.

3. The foundation of Christian community

It’s important to reshape our identity to build a community that promotes joyful service and positive relationships. If our identity is misplaced, it can lead to exclusion, oppression, and even violence, especially when it’s based on things like culture, politics, or personal characteristics. To create a community focused on service, we need a new identity. Christianity gives us this new identity by teaching us we’re chosen by God.



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