Tim Keller | April 13, 1997
Romans 8 tells us it’s possible for us to experience God because of the work of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the chapter, we get to the heart of the Holy Spirit’s job: to assure us that nothing can separate us from the love of God.
If this is the main job of the Holy Spirit, it means that your main problem tonight is that you’re not persuaded.
At every level, the Spirit works to convince us. And we need to hear the Spirit’s arguments because there will always be 1) the inside problem, and 2) the outside problem.
God’s love for us is so strong that nothing can come between us and His love. We can feel this love deeply when we pray, spend time with other Christians, and say sorry for our mistakes. The Holy Spirit helps with this by giving us a new life and reminding us of God’s love. Even when we have a hard time understanding how faithful God is, or when we wonder if He’ll still love us even though we’ve messed up, the Holy Spirit never stops assuring us of His love.
1. The inside problem
Even after we become Christians, we still struggle with doing wrong things and sometimes doubt God’s love. But Jesus is on our side, changing the rules from something that punishes us to something that frees us. Even though some people might think Christians never have problems, the truth is we do. But we can find comfort in how much God gave up for us. To really understand this, we need to accept God’s love and not push it away. We can do this by thanking Him for everything and asking Him to help us believe more deeply in His love.
This Month's Featured Book
In Shaped by the Gospel, Dr. Keller shows how gospel-centered ministry is more theologically driven than program-driven. As you read, you’ll discover how reflecting on the essence, the truths, and the patterns of the gospel leads to renewal in your lives, churches and ministries.