
Christ Our Prophet

Tim Keller |  July 16, 1989

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  • Prophecy
Ephesians 2:14-22
RS 206-2


We yearn for a truth outside of ourselves. We yearn for a God who speaks to us. Christianity differs from all other religions because Jesus Christ not only brings us the truth,but He IS the truth. When we acknowledge Jesus as Lord and put ourselves under His truth,then we will know true freedom.

Acts 3:17–26

Christianity is unique because it presents God as interacting with us through Jesus Christ. Rather than being about mystical experiences or some sort of divine union, it’s about a relationship built on communication and honesty. Accepting the words of Jesus as truth is important, and this truth is delivered through Him, personified by Him, and has the power to heal.

1. Jesus Christ brings the truth

Jesus, like the prophet Moses, is a spokesperson for God, not just a predictor of the future. Today, people often dismiss God and truth or claim to find truth within themselves, which suggests they don’t need to obey anyone or anything. But the Bible sees truth as something outside of us, absolute, and objective. We have to follow it, and Jesus is the one who gives it to us.

2. Jesus Christ is the truth

Jesus is the ultimate prophet who personifies truth, life, and the word of God. He’s beyond what ancient Greek philosophers were looking for in the “logos”. His life and death cleanse us from our wrongdoings, making Christianity a force that changes us and revolves around Him. The story of Athanasius defending Jesus as God reminds us of the need for a solid standard of truth, going against the idea that majority rule and worldly success are all that matter.

3. Jesus Christ heals us with the truth

Christianity is more than a set of beliefs; it’s a way of life that brings deep satisfaction when we follow God’s words and obey Jesus. The example of airplanes following the laws of aerodynamics shows that real freedom is about living in line with how we were created, not just chasing after our own wants. The text also recognizes we often want different things, underlining the power of forgiveness and choosing the want that fits with our true selves for lasting freedom.



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