
Cleansing of the Spirit

Tim Keller |  March 23, 1997

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  • Sanctification
  • Discipleship and Spiritual Growth
  • Christian Living and Obedience
Romans 8:1-14
RS 275-09


We’re looking at what it means to experience God. To be a Christian is to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Not just to be helped by the Holy Spirit, not just to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, but to be indwelt.

Today, we’re going to look at how we increase spiritual dynamics in our lives. What are the basic dynamics which, when they’re heightened, heighten spiritual vitality?

If we are to walk in the Spirit, we will be involved in two processes: 1) mortification, which is putting to death the deeds of the sinful nature, and 2) aspiration, which is setting your heart and mind on the things of the Spirit.

Romans 8:1–14

Romans 8 teaches us that being a Christian isn’t just about following rules or agreeing to certain beliefs. It’s about having a deep, spiritual connection with God, thanks to the Holy Spirit living within us. The Holy Spirit helps us to grow spiritually, guiding us to control our physical desires. The ultimate goal is to make our faith stronger, more lively, and genuine.

1. How can you make your spiritual life or your church’s spiritual life more real?

Often, churches try to make their spiritual life more vibrant by changing things on the outside, like using modern music or showcasing miraculous healings. While those things aren’t bad, they aren’t the heart of spiritual life. The real source of spiritual vitality is found somewhere else.

2. What basic things can enhance an individual’s or a church’s spiritual life?

In the New Testament, Christian life requires two things: mortification, which means controlling our sinful actions, and aspiration, which means focusing on spiritual things. This deep change, rooted in our identity as Christians, should be driven by love, not fear. It leads us to turn away from our sins and strive for righteousness. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can resist temptation, get rid of our old sinful selves, and live out the good news of salvation from judgement.



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