
Community (2005)

Tim Keller |  October 9, 2005

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  • Rest & Sabbath
Isaiah 56:1-8
RS 187-05

Isaiah 56:1–8

Isaiah teaches that God wants us to live justly and rightly, promising salvation for those who follow His commands. This includes observing the Sabbath and steering clear of evil. God welcomes everyone, even foreigners and eunuchs, promising them a place in His family that’s even more special than biological ties. Those who commit to His covenant will experience the joy of being part of His house of prayer and a growing community under His rule.

1. The importance of community

God’s salvation is not just about the forgiveness of sins, but also about building a new community based on justice and righteousness. This community isn’t just about showing up to church, but about active participation and commitment. To truly feel God’s saving power, one must engage willingly with this community that reflects His salvation.

2. The patterns for human community

We’re exploring the idea of a community that’s different from the world’s way of doing things. This community emphasizes justice, righteousness, and the Sabbath as a symbol of freedom from slavery. It also discusses the importance of fair business practices and rethinking traditional beliefs about family and value. The radical inclusivity of Christianity is highlighted, with a call to spread God’s message to everyone, share power, and build relationships across different groups.

3. The power to create community

Western culture often makes us fear community, which can lead to feelings of insignificance and distractions. But God promises us an everlasting name and significance. Through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, we’re offered a relationship with the Father and the Son. Building our identity on what Christ has done, not on politics or personal achievements, helps us create an inclusive, fearless community.



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