
Death of Death

Tim Keller |  May 16, 1993

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  • Death
  • Sin
  • Hope
1 Corinthians 15:35-41; 50-55
RS 40-12

1 Corinthians 15:35–41; 50–55

Christ’s resurrection gives believers more than just a life guide; it offers a new way of living marked by bravery, freedom from guilt, and inner strength. The hope we have as Christians, rooted in this resurrection, is a joyful belief, driven by strong evidence that helps us cope with life’s ups and downs. It gives us a clear view of a future that goes beyond everyday life. This hope, which includes overcoming death and expecting future glory, strengthens believers to keep going, reflecting the full meaning of Christian hope.

1. Overcoming death

Today, people are more afraid of death because they are unsure about what comes after and the possible judgment. Christianity, however, gives a hopeful view, seeing death not as an ending but a passage to a better life, thanks to Christ’s victory over sin and death. This belief promises a future that includes spiritual and physical renewal, assuring believers of an eternal life where they remain unique and experience endless growth in a perfect body.

1. God values the physical

God loves the physical world and takes pleasure in material things. This idea is shown in the movie “Babette’s Feast”, where Christians mistakenly think that pleasure equals lack of spirituality. Christianity is not about running away from the physical world, but a faith that actively tackles hunger, illness, and pain. God’s ultimate plan includes the renewal of both body and soul, underlining the need to serve through both actions and words.

2. This hope doesn’t work automatically

In Romans 8, Paul uses the term “reckon” to mean comparing our current hardships with the future glory that will be revealed. To show resilience like Paul, it’s not enough to just call ourselves Christians; we must think deeply. This means considering what God has done, the sacrifices Christ made, and the blessings we already have, until the expectation of heavenly glory gives us the strength to face any fear or difficulty.

3. It’s a deep desire for God’s eternity

Our longing for renewal, often shown in our desire for physical transformation, is basically a deep wish for spiritual revival. Through Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection, we are offered a life that keeps renewing, where even death becomes a trigger for growth. This lasting hope, which promises eternal glory, shows God’s never-ending love and grace.



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