
Doubt, Joy and Power (Easter)

Tim Keller |  April 20, 2003

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  • Easter
Luke 24:36-49
RS 157-4


Today’s sermon comes from a series on the life of Jesus in the gospel of Luke. We come to the end of the book that describes multiple scenes of Jesus interacting with different groups of people after his death, burial, and resurrection. Specifically in Luke 24:36-49, he appears to his disciples and helps them understand the meaning of the events that had happened.

Jesus does four things in this passage that change the lives of his disciples forever, and because he’s the risen Jesus, he can do the very same things to us right now. 1) He answers the doubts of their minds; 2) he satisfies the needs of their hearts by eating with them; 3) he reforges the direction of their lives by sending them, and 3) he shows them his hand and his feet.

Luke 24:36–49

When Jesus showed up after coming back to life, his friends were scared and confused. But Jesus wanted them to believe that he really was alive again – so he showed them his scars and even had a meal with them! This wasn’t just a ghost story, but a real, physical miracle that changed everything. Jesus told them that they had a job to do – to tell everyone that if they were sorry for their wrongs and asked for forgiveness, they could be friends with God. He also reminded them that this was what God’s old promises were all about and promised them God’s power to help them. So, believing in Jesus’ resurrection means holding onto hope and understanding that God’s promises are real and life-changing.



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