
God Promises to Send David to His People

Tim Keller |  June 14, 2009

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  • Purpose and Calling
  • Identity
  • Hope
1 Samuel 1:4-11, 2:6-10
RS 315-01

1 Samuel 1:4–11, 2:6–10

The story of Hannah is about a woman who is deeply upset because she can’t have children. Another woman, Peninnah, always makes fun of her, which makes her feel even worse. Hannah’s husband tries to comfort her, but she’s so upset she promises God she’ll dedicate her son to Him if He lets her become a mom. The story then talks about how God is in charge of everything, like life and death, and being rich or poor, which sets the stage for a deep look into Hannah’s life and what we can learn from it.

1. Hannah’s tears

Hannah cries because she can’t have kids, which was a big deal in her culture. Peninnah, who represents cultural beliefs, makes fun of her, implying that Hannah is only worth something if she can have children. This story reminds us that cultures can be oppressive, whether they value family and having kids, or individual success and looks, and these values can make us feel either really good or really bad about ourselves.

2. Hannah’s turn

Instead of listening to Peninnah’s taunts or relying on her husband’s love, Hannah turns to God. She breaks free from what society expects of her and gives up her deep wish for a child, showing she trusts in God’s plan. This teaches us to root our identity and hope in God, not in what other people think or want.

3. Hannah’s song

Hannah’s song in 1 Samuel 2 shows that God saves people through those who are often left out or looked down upon, showing His power in our weakness. This pattern, from Isaac to Jesus, ends with the ultimate rescue brought by Jesus. When we admit we need God’s help and rely on His grace, like Hannah did, we are part of this story of salvation, building our lives on the good news of the gospel.

4. What we learn

Often, culture tells us to base our worth on success, money, and being liked by others, but it’s important to find our hope and worth in God’s love and approval. Hard times, while confusing, always have a reason and can lead to better things, just like Hannah’s hard time led to the birth of Samuel and the rescue of Israel. Following Jesus’ example of surrendering to God’s plan can lead to life-changing experiences, just like Hannah’s story.



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