
Growing in Grace

Tim Keller |  August 29, 1993

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  • Discipleship and Spiritual Growth
  • Christian Living and Obedience
2 Peter 3:14-18
RS 43-9

2 Peter 3:17–18

Peter warns us not to be fooled by people who don’t follow God’s laws. He encourages us to keep growing spiritually by understanding more about Jesus Christ and his grace. He tells us that it’s not only important but also possible for Christians to grow gradually. This growth is all thanks to God’s grace. These ideas are key to preparing ourselves to be with God.

1. You can grow in grace

Being a Christian is not just about doing the right things; it’s about growing the divine nature that God gave us when we became Christians. The New Testament teaches us to nurture this new spiritual life. We’re not just supposed to be good, but to change and grow. If we settle for less and don’t grow, we’re not respecting the divine nature inside us.

2. Growing in grace takes time

Being told to “grow” in our faith challenges us not to be lazy. It reminds us that we need to keep changing and moving forward. It’s comforting to know that spiritual growth doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a slow process, like a tomato plant growing or a tree getting ready for spring. We grow in grace and godliness little by little, with lots of patience and regular practice of our faith.

3. Growth in grace is a gift

Our growth as Christians comes from the power of grace. This grace helps us change for the better. Even though God accepts us as we are, we can experience more and more of his grace, leading to real growth inside us. This internal growth comes from a deep understanding of God’s grace. We can only tap into the potential of our new nature and see real changes in our behavior through Bible study, prayer, community, and the sacraments.



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