
Hope, Riches and Power (Part 2)

Tim Keller |  October 4, 1992

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  • Hope
  • Salvation
Ephesians 1:15-23
RS 237-17

Ephesians 1:15–23

Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians is that they would know God better and better, because understanding God is the foundation for everything in life. He tells them to seek spiritual wisdom about who God is, focusing on three things: the hope God gives us, the richness of being part of God’s family, and the incredible power He gives to those who trust Him. This means we should put knowing God first in our lives and use our time to grow closer to Him.

1. The hope of his calling

Ephesians 1:18 talks about the hope we get from being called by God, not by our own efforts. This call from God is like a wake-up call, getting our attention when we forget about Him. The Holy Spirit helps us realize this call, giving us courage and hope, and reminding us that we are saved because God reached out to us, not because of anything we did.

2. The riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints

We’re like precious gems to God, highly valued and loved. Living in this truth means acting like we know we are loved and that our real treasure is in God, not in what we can achieve or possess. Disobeying God is like giving up our rightful treasure for something that won’t last, but trusting and following Him leads to rewards greater than anything we could lose.

3. The incomparably great power to us who believe

In Ephesians 1:18-20, when it says “according to”, it means that our faith shows God’s power working in us. Jesus’ resurrection, which beat even death, shows the extent of this power in us, making death lose its power over us. Knowing these truths should make us live in awe of God’s power and feel privileged to be a Christian.



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