

Tim Keller |  May 23, 2010

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  • The Holy Spirit
Philippians 2:1-11
RS 321-07


Humility – Video Preview

Philippians 2:1–11

Humility, a trait we often ignore, is different from popular values like fairness and helping the needy. We see how important humility is through how Jesus lived and died. We’ll talk about the problems caused by lack of humility, the good changes that can come from having it, and how to fix our lack of it.

1. The problem we all have

The main reason for arguments and fights, even in churches, is the human heart, which is often full of selfish desires and pride. This comes from feeling insecure and wanting others to notice us and think we’re important. This pride, a refusal to accept God’s authority and trying to be independent, leaves us empty, using others to make ourselves feel good. It’s the disease that causes division and conflict.

2. What we could be if we were healthy

Even though humility wasn’t valued in ancient Greek and Roman cultures, it’s a very important trait in the Bible and is needed for salvation and a relationship with God. It is the cure for negative things like pride, contempt, stubbornness, and self-consciousness. Humility means accepting our faults, respecting others, and being open to correction. It’s not about putting ourselves down, but about thinking less about ourselves. The Bible warns us about the dangers of pride and self-hate.

3. How to get the cure

Humility, a big theme in our discussion, is not something you chase after directly. It comes from wanting something bigger, like a relationship with Jesus. It’s important to understand and accept what the Bible teaches about Jesus becoming human, dying for our sins, and being raised to glory. This shows how Jesus, even though he is God, chose to give himself up to save people. Real humility is about being generous, wanting others to be happy, and following Jesus’ example. This helps us experience the love and worth that Jesus has and leads us to become more selfless and helpful to others.



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