
I Am the Worst

Tim Keller |  June 29, 1997

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  • Understanding the Gospel
1 Timothy 1:13-19
IS 281

1 Timothy 1:13–19

Paul’s story emphasizes how he saw himself as undeserving, and how God’s grace in his life was beyond measure. When Paul says “I am the worst,” he’s not exaggerating. He’s honestly recognizing his need for God’s mercy. His journey reminds us that Christ’s patience and grace are endless for everyone who believes.

2. Paul believes he’s the best

The Apostle Paul thought of himself as both the worst and best Christian. This shows the power of God’s grace, a belief upheld by Saint Augustine’s example. Paul’s negative view of himself came from his past mistakes and disbelief, while his positive view came from his good deeds. Both of these views underline the significance of grace and the risks of pride. The gospel teaches us to have a balanced view of ourselves, highlighting our need for grace, the chance for redemption, and the strength that comes from acknowledging our weaknesses and putting our faith in Christ.

3. How is this possible?

Jesus Christ, on the cross, was treated as if He was the embodiment of all sin, so we could become righteous through Him. The gospel shows us our natural flaws, but it also reassures us of a love like no other, encouraging both bravery and humility in us. This understanding allows us to interact with others without fear and with respect, as we represent Jesus in the world.



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