
Jesus as Prophet (Part 2)

Tim Keller |  January 16, 1994

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  • Prophecy
Luke 24:44-53
RS 46-11

Luke 24:44–53

Being a Christian isn’t just about following certain rules or believing certain things. It’s about being in a relationship with a Savior who seeks us out and helps us understand the Bible through the Holy Spirit. In this way, Jesus shows us that he isn’t just a King and Savior, but also a Revealer of deep truths.

1. What does he do?

Jesus does more than just teach us about life here on earth. He also shows us spiritual truths, giving us both an outward and inward understanding of God’s Word. This is what makes Christianity special – Jesus, as a divine Prophet, teaches us and helps us understand truth through the Holy Spirit. This complete spiritual understanding is something other religions or philosophies don’t offer.

2. Why does he do it?

Not being able to see spiritual truth isn’t about being smart or not, it’s more like having a cloud over your eyes that stops you from seeing clearly. But when we do see the truth, like understanding the importance of Jesus’ sacrifice, it can change everything. Being able to see truth helps us find peace, forgiveness, and beat negative feelings.

3. How he’s done it

Understanding the Bible is like putting together a puzzle, and Jesus helps us see how all the pieces fit together to form a bigger picture. When we become Christians, we often start to see these connections and the bigger truth. One way we know Jesus is helping us see is when we understand that Jesus died for our own personal sins and that he loves each of us individually.

1. Newness

Being a Christian is about growing and learning new things, not just how long you’ve believed. Sometimes, we have moments where we suddenly understand something in a new way, like seeing a familiar hymn in a different light. These moments are open to anyone who is open to God, and if we don’t have them, it might mean we’re not seeing clearly.

2. An engagement of the whole person

Understanding spiritual truth touches all parts of us – our minds, our wills, and our emotions. It’s not just about thinking, but about feeling deeply moved. When Jesus helped the disciples understand, they responded with worship and happiness, showing that they were committed with their whole selves. True understanding brings together mind, will, and emotions in a life lived for God.

3. It’s always gradual

Growing spiritually takes time and involves paying attention to Jesus’ teachings and acting on what we learn. For example, understanding what Jesus taught can help us control our desires. Regularly engaging with the Bible is important for understanding spiritual truth. To grow, we need humility, a desire for God’s guidance, and a supportive community that encourages open-mindedness and truth-seeking.



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