
Jesus at His Father’s Feast

Tim Keller |  December 25, 2005

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  • God the Father
Luke 2:41-52
RS 188-4


Even as a boy, Jesus was confusing everyone. He confused the religious experts by his wisdom. He confused his parents who lost him and were searching all over for him. Yet Jesus was where he was meant to be – in His Father’s house. Jesus continues to confuse all of us today, giving us lives that confound our expectations. Yet, though we cannot understand everything Jesus does, the one thing we know with certainty is that He is constantly inviting us to join Him at His Father’s feast.

Luke 2:41-52

The story in Luke shows us a special glimpse into Jesus’ younger years, especially his time in Jerusalem during the big Passover celebration. This story really highlights the puzzling nature of Jesus – even those who love him can find him hard to understand, but he never stops loving and serving those who are confused by him. It’s a reminder for us to hold Jesus close to our hearts, trusting him more and more as we let his teachings sink deeper into our lives.



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