
Jesus, Our Gospel

Tim Keller |  December 3, 1995

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  • Christmas and Advent
  • Salvation
  • Easter
Colossians 1:1-8, 28-29
RS 64-1

Understanding Christ through Colossians 1:1–8, 28–29

Colossians 1 helps us delve deeper into who Christ is, the one we celebrate during Christmas and Easter. The stories of William Holland and Charles Wesley highlight how difficult it can be to truly understand Christ. The importance of the gospel is stressed and four markers are suggested to check if we’ve really grasped its message.

1. The gospel brings joy

Being a Christian is about joyfully sharing the good news of the gospel, not necessarily about strict discipline or self-denial. The gospel isn’t a vague idea, but a truthful message that brings joy to those who really understand it. It’s made up of clear truths that, when believed, lead to positive changes and growth in our lives.

2. The gospel is powerful

The gospel is a powerful tool that sparks inner changes in us, leading to qualities such as love, joy, peace, patience, and self-control. It’s the cure for the main issues we face – a lack of these qualities. It helps those struggling with doubts find their identity and purpose. For Christians, it not only saves us but also helps us grow, addressing all our problems.

3. The gospel is grace

The gospel, just like God’s grace, reassures us of our secure spot in heaven, similar to a fixed deposit in a bank. It’s like an endless wealth, providing answers to all of life’s problems, and how well we understand and accept it directly affects how fruitful our lives become. Our value is secure in heaven, regardless of earthly situations, and any lack in our lives shows we need to better understand God’s grace.

4. The gospel is Christ himself

As Paul tells us in Colossians, the gospel isn’t just about Jesus, it is Jesus. This makes Christianity unique from other religions that provide a path or truth. The gospel is Jesus alone, and when we become Christians, he becomes our righteousness, holiness, and wisdom, solving our problems and giving us strength. The bread and cup at the Lord’s Table represent this gospel, reminding us to check if we’re straying, and to deepen our understanding of God’s grace.



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