
Jesus Versus

Tim Keller |  August 27, 2006

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  • Understanding the Gospel
Mark 12:35-44
RS 191-09

Mark 12:35–44

In this part of the Bible, Jesus is teaching in the temple. He questions the religious leaders about their understanding of the Christ as David’s son, and he calls them out for wanting to impress people and taking advantage of widows. He also points out a poor widow who gives all she has. This story in Mark chapter 12 shows us that Jesus is not only against certain things in our culture, but he also challenges people who doubt and those who are too scared to trust completely in God.

1. Jesus and the culture wars

Jesus questions both secular and religious views, showing that they don’t align with his unique message. Christianity is all about Jesus’ selfless sacrifice on the cross, which satisfies God’s justice. It upholds moral absolutes, but also shows incredible grace and kindness. It’s not something we can easily put into a box.

2. Jesus and the skeptics

Jesus challenges doubters by saying that the Messiah is both God and man, an idea only he can embody. The best case for Christianity is Jesus himself, as shown in the Bible. He’s not just a man, but the Son of God. Jesus also teaches us the importance of looking after those who are often overlooked, like widows.

3. Jesus and the cowardly

People often struggle to believe in God because they’re scared of giving up control. But the solution is in Jesus’ selfless act of saving us. There’s a story about a man named Blondin who carried his manager across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. This story shows us that we need to trust Jesus completely. It’s important to have faith in him, let go of our doubts and religious routines, and pray for these truths to be deeply planted in our hearts.



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