
Letter on Reality

Tim Keller |  June 6, 1993

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  • Repentance
Revelation 3:1-6
RS 41-05

Understanding Revelation 3:1–6

Revelation presents Jesus Christ in a grand light, not as a prediction of the apocalypse, but as a testament to His wisdom and power. It encourages believers to rise to greatness by revealing His true glory. We can reach this greatness and find comfort during hard times through repentance. This process humbles us and allows Jesus’ strength and guidance to shine in our lives.

1. Repentance is the pathway to greatness

The road to greatness lies in repentance and humility, a notion that goes against what society often teaches about self-promotion and independence. Many times, our worries stem from thinking we know better than God. But true peace comes from humbling ourselves before Him. Jesus encourages churches to recall their promises, wake up to the good news of the gospel, and repent. This highlights that repentance is essential for a meaningful life.

2. A big threat to Christianity is losing your inner faith

Jesus tells the church of Sardis to repent, pointing out the difference between their good reputation and their lack of inner spiritual life. The focus here is the importance of being faithful to God in our hearts, not just doing good deeds on the outside. It warns us about the danger of putting actions above beliefs. The idea of spiritual sleep is brought up, emphasizing the need to continually wake up to our faith and remember it. We also need to ensure our inner beliefs match our outward actions for a fulfilling faith life.



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