
Long Live the King! (Easter)

Tim Keller |  March 30, 1997

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  • Atonement
  • Easter
  • Jesus' Death & Resurrection
Luke 24:1-12
RS 74-5


Of all the accounts the gospels give, this one here in Luke is the only account that tells us that when the women came to the tomb there were two angels that asked them a question. They said, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?”

It was a counseling question, actually. It wasn’t looking for information. It was trying to push them. It was trying to show them their error. It was trying to show them they were disoriented to who Jesus really was and what he really came to do. And yet, it was joyful. It was loving. It was out to heal.

These women were making a mistake, and I’d like to show you three different ways in which they were making a mistake. These are three different ways we, too, can treat Jesus Christ as if he were dead today. They made the mistake of denying the miracle of the resurrection, the meaning of the resurrection and the spiritual reality of the resurrection.

Luke 24:1–12

In Luke’s account, women arrive at Jesus’ tomb where angels ask them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” This question is more than a riddle; it points out that they are misunderstanding who Jesus really is and what his purpose was. They have forgotten that Jesus isn’t just another man, but that he rose again from the dead.

1. They didn’t believe in the miracle of resurrection

Some people think Jesus was just a religious leader, and find it hard to believe in a physical resurrection. Luke, though, tells us about specific people who saw Jesus alive again. Being a Christian isn’t just about following rules, but about being changed by coming face-to-face with Jesus, who is alive.

2. They didn’t understand the importance of the resurrection

The angels’ words show that the women didn’t fully understand Jesus’ death. They knew he died, but they didn’t see his death as a sacrifice for their own wrongdoings. This led to a sad and heavy view of religion. The angels reminded them that Jesus didn’t only die to set an example, but to take our place and save us. It’s important for us to recognize our need for his sacrifice.

3. They didn’t grasp the spiritual reality of the resurrection

Some people agree that Jesus rose from the dead, but they don’t know him personally. It’s like remembering someone who’s passed away, but not actually interacting with them. The Bible tells us that being a Christian isn’t just about knowing facts, but about meeting Jesus as a living person. Easter isn’t just about belief, but about knowing Jesus as the living Lord, who offers endless opportunities and fulfills our deepest hopes and dreams.



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