
Lord of the Earth

Tim Keller |  December 10, 2000

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  • Creation
  • Mercy & Justice
  • Forgiveness
Genesis 9:1-17
RS 122-09


The story of Noah and the flood is about second chances and new beginnings; God is ready to give us another chance. God calls us into three great relationships: with the earth, with all the people on earth, and with the Lord of the earth. God never calls anyone into a covenant relationship unless it is a saving relationship.

Genesis 9:1–17

The story of Noah and the flood is about new beginnings and second chances. It shows God asking us to build three important relationships: one with the earth, one with all people, and one with God Himself. These relationships represent care for the environment, fairness to others, and receiving God’s grace. By developing these relationships, we can embrace the new beginnings and second chances God gives us.

1. A special connection to the earth

We are asked to think about our relationship with nature. This isn’t about romanticizing nature, but about recognizing the effects of human wrongdoing and misuse on it. Nature isn’t all good or all bad. It can be both harsh and comforting. God is committed to saving and renewing nature. Christianity offers a unique way to understand and respect nature by asking us to care for and preserve it, to see God’s glory in creation, and to fulfill the purpose God has for each of us.

2. A relationship of fairness with all people

Every person, no matter their characteristics or circumstances, is valuable because they are made in God’s image. This belief should guide us to treat everyone with kindness and respect, and to help others without expecting anything in return, no matter their beliefs or backgrounds. It also shows how important it is to love and be fair to everyone, while pointing out a third relationship that helps us to live up to these standards.

3. A personal, close relationship with God

The rainbow is a symbol of God’s kindness and forgiveness, and it represents a relationship with God that is free from blame or judgment. God’s anger was redirected by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, which allows peace and forgiveness. True Christianity encourages us to serve others and take joy in doing good, out of love and gratitude towards God. During tough times, we can find comfort in the kindness and grace God gives us.



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