
Money and Your Faith

Tim Keller |  November 6, 1994

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  • Stewardship, Generosity and Money
Hebrews 13:1-6
RS 53-09

Hebrews 13:1–6

Being faithful to God means being kind and generous in our everyday lives. This includes showing love to others, welcoming strangers, and caring for those who are suffering. Faith gives us the power to overcome difficulties instead of being controlled by them. Living a life of faith means facing life’s challenges head-on and not being overwhelmed by them.

1. Your home

The word hospitality comes from a Greek word, “philoxenia,” which means loving strangers. It’s the opposite of xenophobia, which means fearing strangers. As Christians, we’re called to love and welcome those who are different from us. This doesn’t just mean giving them a place to stay, but also sharing our time, resources, and kindness. This shows that we’re not controlled by circumstances, but instead, we have control over them.

2. Your friendships

Being kind and generous is also important in how we treat others, particularly those who are suffering or mistreated. We need to step outside of our comfort zone to support those who are marginalized and in pain. We should see those who are less fortunate not as people to pity, but as equals. We’re all sinners saved by God’s grace. By doing so, we’re following Jesus’s example and showing a different kind of leadership that’s based on love and equality.

3. Your money

The early Christians saw sex as sacred within marriage and money as something to be shared generously. They were happy to give because they knew that true value and security come from Jesus, not wealth. This mindset allowed them to use their money to help others and to support God’s work. They trusted that God would provide for them, just as Jesus gave up his life for us.



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