
No Fallen Words

Tim Keller |  June 2, 1996

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  • Prophecy
  • The Bible
1 Samuel 3:19-21
RS 271-04

1 Samuel 3:19–21

When God shared His message with Samuel, everyone in Israel acknowledged Samuel as a prophet. This shows the strength and authority of God’s communication, and how Samuel’s words always held true. These ideas are important for everyone in a church community.

1. God speaks

God doesn’t usually talk to us through big miracles or mysterious events, but through His Word. In history, He spoke to prophets and apostles, sharing His Word as clear statements. So, the Bible isn’t just about God, it’s His own direct words. It’s the main way He shows us who He is.

2. God’s words don’t fall to the ground

God’s words are powerful and lasting, unlike human words that can be forgotten or ignored. It’s important to obey God’s Word because it teaches us how to avoid problems in life and helps us understand ourselves and others better. Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures through His sacrifice, showing us that the Bible is never wrong and that God’s guidance is always accurate. It also reminds us of the promise of eternal life and deeper understanding if we follow God’s Word. This emphasizes how crucial the Bible and God’s guidance are for a personal relationship with God.


July Book Offer

Reading Galatians Can Change Your Life!

Galatians is a powerful book that shows how people can think they know the gospel but are actually losing touch with it. In this study of the book of Galatians, Dr. Keller helps you understand how this short book in the New Testament can transform your life.