
Paul’s Prayer (Part 1)

Tim Keller |  August 22, 1993

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Ephesians 3:14-21
RS 237-41

Ephesians 3:14–21

The prayer in the book of Ephesians is a special journey open to anyone who follows Jesus. It encourages us to leave behind less important things and focus on building a close relationship with God. Over the next two weeks, we’ll explore this prayer’s power and the amazing possibilities it brings.

1. The reality of this close relationship with God

Understanding what it means to experience God’s presence, love, and glory is like having a bank account but not using it. We need to actively participate in our relationship with God and Jesus. This commitment can change our focus from worldly things to Godly matters. It’s hard to describe deeply personal experiences with God, but it’s important not only to feel His love but to really know and understand it.

2. The preparation for this close relationship with God

Paul teaches us how important it is to be spiritually prepared for a true relationship with God. He emphasizes the need for the Spirit to strengthen our inner selves. Without this foundation, we could be overwhelmed. Building a relationship with God often takes time and patience, with ups and downs. It’s not a quick solution, but a gradual journey towards fully experiencing God’s love and presence.

3. The dynamics of this close relationship with God

Teresa of Avila, a nun from the 16th century, describes a series of steps towards a relationship with God in her book “Interior Castle.” At first, many Christians don’t fully understand this relationship, often distracted by worldly things. But through prayer, struggle, and self-understanding, they can grow in their understanding of sin and experience God’s love and kindness. This spiritual journey, which includes letting go of false gods and focusing on God’s Word, is not a mystery. It involves understanding God’s love and letting the Spirit move this truth from our minds to our hearts.



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