
Paul’s Prayer (Part 2)

Tim Keller |  August 29, 1993

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  • Repentance
  • Sin
  • Prayer & Meditation
Ephesians 3:14-21
RS 237-42

Ephesians 3:14–21

Ephesians 3:14-21 encourages followers of Christ to not only believe in Him but also seek to feel His love deeply. The apostle Paul’s prayer here emphasizes that every Christian can truly experience God’s love, but it requires both understanding and practicing our faith.

1. Understanding the dynamic

Communing with God is not just about mental understanding; it involves a deep, life-changing grasp of His truths. This is like learning a new skill or watching a photo develop – it takes time and effort, and it changes who you are.

2. Developing the discipline

Meditation is a key way of connecting with God. It’s not just about reading the Bible or praying, but combining these in a way that allows God’s words to touch your heart deeply, kindling a spiritual passion within you. It’s about moving from just knowing God’s truths to really feeling them.

1. What does this tell me about God?

Every truth about God reveals something of His character. By pondering on these truths, we can come to know Him better.

2. How can I praise him based on this verse?

Understanding God’s truths should not only make us think but also feel. It should move us to express our love and reverence for God, transforming our relationship with Him from being merely intellectual to being deeply emotional.

3. How can I humble myself before him through this verse?

Reflecting on God’s truths can reveal our shortcomings and sins, prompting us to seek His forgiveness and strive to grow spiritually.

4. If God is really like this, what difference does this particular truth make to my life today?

Knowing who God is can shape our thoughts, words, and actions every day. It can transform how we interact with others and approach our daily tasks.

5. What wrong behavior, harmful emotions, and false attitudes result when I forget he is like this?

Sin isn’t just about actions – it starts in our hearts. True repentance requires recognizing our brokenness and our need for God’s grace, and striving to turn away from sin and towards God consistently.

6. How would my neighborhood, my family, my church, and my friends be different if they understand this?

Understanding God’s truths deeply can transform not just us, but also our communities. It can shape our relationships and decisions and encourage us to reflect God’s character in our interactions with others.

7. Does my life demonstrate I’m remembering and living out of this all the day?

True repentance is a lifelong journey. It involves recognizing our sinfulness and our need for God’s grace, and consistently striving to reject sin and follow God. This leads to deep transformation and a closer relationship with God.

8. “Lord, what are you trying to tell me about you, and why do you want me to know it now?”

In Christian meditation, we seek to move from knowing about God to knowing Him personally. Unlike other forms of meditation that aim for oneness with the divine, Christian meditation helps us to know God better and to experience His glory. Through earnest seeking and spiritual discipline, we can experience God’s presence and the transformation that comes from following Him.




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