
Power to Serve

Tim Keller |  February 22, 1998

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  • The Church (Unity, Fellowship, Leadership)
Luke 10:16-20
RS 89-3

Understanding Luke 10:16–20

In Luke 10:16-20, we see Jesus give an unexpected level of power and authority to his seventy-two followers, making them almost as capable as he is. But when they get excited about their new skills, Jesus reminds them to not be happy because they can control demons. Instead, they should be joyful that they are citizens of heaven. The real meaning of spiritual power, which is about collaboration and service, is something the church must fully grasp to fulfill its mission.

1. The strength in teamwork

Jesus gives his followers the ability to share his message, heal people, and get rid of demons, showing that every Christian is meant to be part of His work. The power of Jesus’ message, shown through the actions of believers, can change lives and relationships. Even the simplest follower of Jesus has more power than John the Baptist. Being a Christian means being completely committed, sometimes giving up comfort to help others. Each believer has a special task to show Jesus’ message through what they do.

2. The value of serving others

True happiness and identity don’t come from owning things, but from being a Christian and knowing that your name is written in heaven. It’s key to be happy about God’s kindness rather than relying on your own skills or achievements. It’s also important to choose humility instead of pride, remembering that our names are written on Jesus’ heart. Small local churches play a big part in creating a sense of community and connection. We should always seek to forgive, understand, and find the bravery to make the world a better place.



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