
Real Friendship and the Pleading Priest

Tim Keller |  June 3, 2001

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  • Prayer & Meditation
  • Understanding the Gospel
Genesis 18:16-33
RS 129-6

Genesis 18:16–33

This part of Genesis, where God and Abraham talk, is more than just a chat. It’s like a picture of what priests do. Abraham is like a priest for the whole city, standing before God on their behalf. This story introduces us to the idea of being a priest and helps us understand the roles of the first and greatest Priest. It also shows us how we can be like new priests. Plus, it gives us a deep look into what prayer is and why being a priest is so important in our relationship with God.

1. The first priest

The story where Abraham talks to God about what will happen to Sodom shows the special part Abraham plays in God’s decisions. Abraham asks if a few good people could save a lot of others, which makes us think deeply about God’s love for good things. This story also brings up the idea that we all have a part to play in what happens to everyone else and that there needs to be a High Priest to stand up for others and make sure justice is done.

2. The Great Priest

Jesus Christ, our High Priest, showed ultimate love and forgiveness when He prayed for the people causing His death and even gave up His life for them. His role helps us see that we can be saved through the goodness of someone else. By believing in Jesus, we get to share in His goodness, which saves us because of His prayers and sacrifice on our behalf.

3. The new priests

As believers, we are asked to be like Abraham, praying closely with God and having a heart that serves others. We are like priests who can go to God and help others. But to accept Jesus Christ as the true High Priest, we need more than just belief. We need a deep understanding of the gospel and a life lived bravely and humbly. By doing this, we can become people who act like priests, able to help fix broken cities and live out the gospel.




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