
Rest From Our Enemies

Tim Keller |  May 6, 2007

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  • Rest & Sabbath
Esther 7:1-10; 9:20-23
RS 195-04


At the end of the book of Esther, we see the nation of Israel receive a holiday, a day of rest from their enemies. God promised Israel that rest was going to be the upshot of his salvation. In this text we see three things: 1) How Esther got rest from her enemies; 2) How Jesus gets us rest from our enemies; 3) How we can have rest from our enemies.

Esther 7:1–10; 9:20–23

Queen Esther’s brave actions led to her people, the Israelites, finding relief from those who were harming them. This was the result of God keeping his promise. In the same way, we can find relief from our problems through the rest Jesus gives us because he died on the cross for us. Just like Esther, if we trust in God’s promises, we can find rest from our troubles, something everyone deeply desires.

1. How Esther found relief from her enemies

Esther was brave enough to go to the king without being called, risking her life to save her people. She invited the king and Haman, the enemy, to meals, aiming to improve their relationship. When the king found out about a plot against her people, he got really angry. Haman’s fate was sealed when he broke the law by staying in the king’s private rooms. Esther’s suggestion for a new law allowing the Jews to protect themselves brought justice. This shows how much we need a Savior to bring lasting peace.

2. How Jesus provides us relief from our enemies

Jesus, as the Son of Man, brought us ultimate relief from our enemies, not by fighting, but through love, forgiveness, and the power of his grace that changes lives. His death on the cross was God’s way of showing his war against evil, not against specific people, and his desire to get rid of all wrong and injustice. Through dying for us, Jesus changes us from being enemies to friends, showing us that the best way to fight evil is to overcome it with good.

3. How we can find relief from our enemies

The good news about Jesus offers double protection: it makes us humble by reminding us that we needed Jesus to die for us, stopping us from thinking too highly of ourselves and fighting against evil. It also shows us our true value, that we are so important that Jesus died for us, protecting us from trying to find worth in things or our social standing. Understanding this allows us to find relief from our enemies, forgive others, and help bring peace between people.



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