
Scattering Gathers; Gathering Scatters

Tim Keller |  October 31, 2004

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  • Cities
  • Stewardship, Generosity and Money
Proverbs 10:15-16; 11:1,4,24,26; 13:21,23; 30:8b-9
RS 178-08


You will have a mess of a life if you only follow the rules and don’t have actual wisdom in the area of money.

Wisdom is not less than being moral and good; it’s much more. It’s knowing the right choice in the majority of life situations that moral rules don’t address. People who only look to the rules in the area of money are going to be destructively unwise in their lives.

Proverbs shows three things you need to know to be wise in the area of money and possessions: 1) the power of money, 2) the reasons for the power of money, and 3) how to break the power of money and use it in your life.



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