

Abraham Cho |  August 10, 2014

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  • Sexuality
  • Fruit of the Spirit
  • Identity
1 Corinthians 9:23-27
RS 347-05AC


Self-control in the Bible is not about rules and restrictions; it’s about mastering our emotions rather then our emotions mastering us. Unlike self-help or stoicism, there is a biblical way to understand ourselves and how we behave that can help us overcome addictions and truly be free.

Self-Control – Video Preview

Ephesians 2:1–3; Luke 11:14–26; 1 Corinthians 9:23–27

Self-control is a key part of our spiritual journey and it’s closely linked to the power of resurrection. We need Christ’s strength to help us gain control over our lives and surroundings. When we struggle with self-control, disobedience, and wrong desires, it shows us what the Bible means by “flesh.” This can lead to obsessive patterns if we don’t let the Spirit guide us. Remember, whatever has control over us is our master, and only the gospel can free us from these obsessive patterns.

1. Seeing the big picture: pleasing God

Paul talks about his crown and prize to show us how important it is to have a vision. Having a clear vision helps us develop self-control. Think of it like the difference between listening to a story and watching it on a screen. When we see something vividly, it influences our actions, like when we’re trying to eat healthier. The key takeaways here are that we need to remind ourselves of the truth and keep our eyes on the prize, especially when facing big challenges like sexual self-control. Understanding who we are in Christ can help us resist temptation.

2. Use your vision when faced with temptation

Self-control is essential when dealing with sexual temptation. It requires discipline and a deep knowledge of God’s Word. Paul managed his anger by remembering what the scriptures say, and we can do the same. By studying and memorizing God’s Word, we’re better equipped to handle moments of temptation. It’s also helpful to have Christian friends who can hold us accountable, and to give control over to God. This highlights the importance of self-control in our personal spiritual journey.




By Abraham Cho

July Book Offer

Reading Galatians Can Change Your Life!

Galatians is a powerful book that shows how people can think they know the gospel but are actually losing touch with it. In this study of the book of Galatians, Dr. Keller helps you understand how this short book in the New Testament can transform your life.