
Spiritual Gifts (Part 2)

Tim Keller |  September 30, 1990

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  • Purpose and Calling
  • Spiritual Gifts
Ephesians 4:1-16
RS 214-02

Ephesians 4:1–16

Being a Christian means living in a way that mirrors the love and grace we have received. It’s about being humble, patient, and loving, so that we can live in harmony as part of God’s family. Each of us, like parts of a body, has a role to play in the growth of the church. God has blessed us with spiritual gifts, and these aren’t just for us – they’re to help grow the church, bring more people to understand Jesus’s love, and heal the divisions caused by our distance from God, ourselves, and the world around us. As believers, we’re meant to reflect Jesus in our world, using our gifts to make a positive difference. This doesn’t just show who Jesus is, but it also shows our gratitude for these gifts. As we use them, we should always look to God for guidance on how to best use them for our good and the good of those around us.



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