
Testimonies and Easter Sermon 1995

Tim Keller |  April 16, 1995

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  • Repentance
  • Easter
  • Jesus' Death & Resurrection
Acts 2:22-42
IS 262

Acts 2:22-41

This passage is about how people can find real change and happiness through Jesus Christ, even if they weren’t sure about Him at first. It talks about feeling empty, praying for things to be different, receiving blessings, and facing tough times as a Christian. It highlights the importance of saying sorry for our wrongs, being baptized, receiving the Holy Spirit, and believing in Jesus’ resurrection. All these are ways we can experience the powerful, life-changing effects of faith.

1. Character

Christianity, as shown by Peter, is a faith that encourages thinking and questioning. It calls on us to escape from the bad influences of society and the danger of living without God. Even when society tries to water down its message, Christianity grows in many different places by challenging people to believe in truth, not just what their culture or family says. It’s not just a set of ideas, but a message about Jesus’ resurrection. It’s like urgent news that needs a response about whether it’s true or not. That’s why it does well in societies that value thinking for yourself and using reason.

2. Content

What sets Christianity apart is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This shows that Jesus is the Son of God and that being saved is a gift of grace and faith, not something we earn by being good. Even when Jesus felt alone and suffered greatly in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross, He did it all out of love. He overcame death and promised never to leave those who follow Him. This unbreakable love and the resurrection of Jesus are the most important facts in history and the heart of the Christian message.



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