
The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 2)

Tim Keller |  February 16, 1992

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  • Spiritual Warfare
Ephesians 6:10-20
RS 234-05

Ephesians 6:10–18

God has given us a full set of spiritual armor to protect us against evil forces. This armor includes things like truth, faith, and prayer. Sometimes, we look for approval and worth in the wrong places, instead of finding it in Jesus. To live a truly good life, we need to understand what real goodness looks like, and that it’s different from just trying to be good by ourselves.

1. The armor protects us when we’re upset

A pastor was angry and upset with his son who didn’t believe in God. He realized he was wrongly using his son’s belief as a measure of his own goodness. When he focused on Jesus’ goodness instead, he found peace and forgiveness. This shows how important it is to rely on Jesus’ goodness, even when we’re feeling bitter.

2. The armor protects us when we feel guilty

When we do something wrong, it’s important to know the difference between God’s gentle correction and feelings of worthlessness. God’s correction comes from a place of love and forgiveness, while feelings of worthlessness can make us forget about God’s love. We can approach God without fear because of Jesus’ sacrifice.

3. The armor protects us when we’re working too hard

People who work all the time need to understand that their worth and peace don’t come from their jobs. Taking time off can help us realize if we’re working for the wrong reasons, like trying to find acceptance or peace. Our true worth and peace come from God, not from our work.

4. The armor protects us when we’re disappointed

Feeling down can show us that we’re seeking goodness in the wrong places, like success and achievements. These things can’t truly satisfy us, only Jesus can. It’s important to remember that our deepest desires are met in Christ, not in what we can do by ourselves.

5. The armor protects us when we’re shy and self-conscious

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 4 that what other people think of us isn’t as important as what God thinks. He says that we shouldn’t trust our own judgment, but trust in God’s judgment. The only thing that can truly give us confidence and strength is Jesus’ goodness. So instead of worrying about what others think, we should focus on the hope given to us through Jesus’ sacrifice.



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