
The Experience of Adoption

Tim Keller |  February 8, 1998

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  • God the Father
  • The Holy Spirit
Galatians 3:26-4:7
RS 288-16

Galatians 3:26–4:7

In Galatians 3:26–4:7, we learn that God sent his Son and Spirit to us for specific reasons. Through the Son, God makes us His children. Meanwhile, the Spirit helps us feel and understand our relationship with God, allowing us to call out to Him as our “Abba, Father.” This shows us that being a part of God’s family is not just about being legally declared His children, but also about truly feeling His love.

1. What is promised

The promise here is that as God’s children, we can experience His love fully. It’s not just about being legally His children, but also about feeling His love, like the prodigal son in the parable. However, we should remember not to rely on our feelings alone, as they can be affected by sin. Instead, we should trust in God and listen to His word.

2. What is it made of?

The Spirit’s work in our lives strengthens our relationship with God. It helps us feel a deep connection with God, especially when we pray. This connection isn’t just about being able to pray better, but also about feeling loved and valued by God. It frees us from guilt, defensiveness, and harmful patterns of behavior.

3. How do you get it?

We can experience this deep relationship with God by focusing on Jesus and His work. We should learn to appreciate God’s beauty and character, and express our admiration for Him based on His Word. This will invite the Spirit to help us recognize God as our Father. The more we understand and live by the teachings of being God’s children and being justified by faith, the more we can experience this powerful work of the Spirit in our lives.



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