
The Freedom of Truth – 2 (2nd)

Tim Keller |  May 8, 1994

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  • The Ten Commandments
  • Worship
Psalm 95
RS 48-05

Understanding Psalm 95

Even as the world becomes less religious, worship remains important. Although we might think we can understand and control everything, the fact that our world isn’t perfect shows us a need for something greater. Worship satisfies this need by connecting us to God, something greater than ourselves. Psalm 95 helps us grasp the three main parts of worship.

1. Worship is getting close to God

Worship is more than just knowing about God—it’s about really knowing Him, like a close friend. True worship feels like we’re right there with God, sharing our thoughts and feelings, and sensing that He’s listening, comforting, and guiding us. It’s not just about going through the motions; it’s about genuinely connecting with God.

2. Worship is getting excited about the truth

Praise for God comes from understanding and appreciating His truth. Psalm 95 shows this when it talks about God as the ultimate Creator, King, Savior, and Guide. Recognizing these truths stirs up a powerful feeling within us, changing our emotions, our will, and our viewpoint. Worship isn’t just about music or ceremonies—it’s a heartfelt reaction to realizing how awesome God is.

3. Worship is giving in to God

When we kneel or bow in worship, it’s like we’re giving up control to God—something we often forget in a world that wants spiritual experiences without any real commitment. True worship requires us to put ourselves aside, to accept God’s truth, and to make Him the most important thing in our lives. Through Jesus, we can feel God’s presence and find comfort in Him.



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