Tim Keller | October 21, 1990
God has given us different gifts in the church to help us grow and become more like Christ. These gifts include roles like apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Their job is to help believers become stronger in their faith and work together in unity. The goal isn’t to argue about which gifts are more important, but to focus on becoming more like Jesus. Love is our guide in everything we do. It’s important to remember that just going through the motions isn’t enough – we must also be growing in our faith, like how our bodies need both food and exercise. Pastors and teachers are here to help us understand the Bible.
1. Doctrine
It’s not helpful to just pick random verses from the Bible without understanding what they mean. Similarly, reading the Bible like a regular book and ignoring its teachings won’t help us grow. We need to understand the Bible’s teachings as a whole. This will help us apply its lessons to our lives and grow in our faith.
2. Reproof
The Bible is more than just a book of knowledge. It also challenges us and shows us where we’re going wrong. It can show us when we’re not living as we should and encourage us to change. Accepting this challenge is a key part of growing in our faith.
3. Correction
The Bible has the power to help us change and guide us through tough times. Its teachings can encourage us, inspire us, and give us strength. But this only happens if we let its teachings change and heal us.
4. Training in righteousness
The Bible isn’t just for learning facts, it’s for helping us change and become more like Jesus. This transformation is supported by our church community. Being united in faith means accepting Jesus’s salvation, which leads to us becoming better people and doing good things. It’s not about agreeing on every little thing. Understanding that we’re saved by God’s grace leads us to live gratefully and serve others. Growing in this understanding can be tough, but it’s key to becoming fully like Christ.
This Month's Featured Book
In Shaped by the Gospel, Dr. Keller shows how gospel-centered ministry is more theologically driven than program-driven. As you read, you’ll discover how reflecting on the essence, the truths, and the patterns of the gospel leads to renewal in your lives, churches and ministries.