
The God of Truth

Tim Keller |  February 20, 2011

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  • The Bible
  • Christian Living and Obedience
Psalm 119:1-4,11,14,29,38,45,130,135,151-152
RS 328-08

Understanding Psalm 119

When we choose to follow God’s rules, we are blessed and freed from wrongdoings. We also find happiness in obeying His laws. Psalm 119 emphasizes the importance of God’s Word, showing how it enlightens and helps us understand better. It talks about how God’s truth can change us, how critical it is to apply it to our lives, and the help available for doing so.

1. God’s truth as given in the Bible

The Bible, including the Old and New Testaments, is God’s law and teachings. It’s like a standard or rulebook. Everything in it shows God’s wisdom, authority, and truth. This is different from how our culture might see what’s true, which can often change based on personal views. It’s important to recognize this difference and stick to the truth presented in the Bible.

2. What God’s truth can do for you

The Bible, as God’s true Word, helps us think for ourselves, make decisions, and have a personal relationship with God. It has shaped big ideas like charity and human rights and challenged wrong practices like slavery. This shows that it’s genuine and applicable to everyone. By accepting the Bible as the standard of truth, we learn to think critically, make informed decisions, and deepen our connection with God.

3. How to apply God’s truth

It’s crucial to deeply understand the Bible, not just read it casually. Understanding the writer’s intention can help solve any seeming contradictions. We should study the Bible, enjoy it, and live according to God’s rules, even if they’re hard to fully understand. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is the answer, freeing us from guilt and enabling us to follow God’s laws.

4. Who can help you apply God’s truth

Jesus Christ perfectly lived out God’s Word, using it as a guide in every aspect of life. His reactions to challenges and temptations, based on Scripture, show His deep trust in God’s truth. We should follow Jesus’ example of living according to Scripture as it shapes our lives and reveals the beauty and power of a life guided by God’s Word.



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