
The Gospel and Idols

Tim Keller |  May 12, 2013

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Acts 19:23-41
RS 338-23


Today both Christians and skeptics of Christianity can struggle to figure out what is real Christianity. Skeptics struggle with certain aspects of what has become known as Christianity, but also, Christians sometimes struggle with those very same things. You have to know what real Christianity is if you’re going to reject it rightly, and you certainly have to know what it is if you’re going to embrace it rightly. The book of Acts shows us real and authentic Christianity.

Chapter 19 is one of the most unusual of all of the accounts in the book. It’s about a riot at Ephesus, which stems from idolatry. We’re going to look at: 1) the pervasiveness of idols, 2) the weakness and power of idols, and 3) the cost of smashing idols.



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